Eva Eun-Sil Han
Born South Korea. Lives and works in Belgium
Exhibitions :
Solo show
07.06-13.07. 2013 gallery COSAR Düsseldorf, Germany
29.01-19.03. 2010 gallery COSAR EY5 Düsseldorf, Germany
04.08-29.08. 2009 'Measured Emotion' - C. Emerson Fine Art, Florida, USA
21.11-30.12 2008 gallery [ I M A R T ], Seoul, Korea
Group show
10.02 - 03.04. 2016 La Corée, entre tradition et modernité, Maison des Art Antony, France
02.07 - 05.07 2015 ArtHampton 2015 Presented by C. Emerson Fine Art
15.11-05.01.2014 [The Age of Collage] group exhibition of comtemporary collage at Gestalten Space, Berlin, Germany
18.10-07.12.2013 Co/exist : New sensibilities in collage, Miwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Miwaukee, USA
28.10-22.12 2011 [Synechdoc] group show curated by Johannes Sperling at Bourouina gallery, Berlin, Germany
13-17.04 2011 Art Cologne 2011 presented by COSAR HMT Düsseldorf, Germany
29.10-17.12 2010 '...above realism', Eva Eun-Sil Han, Martin Mele, Günter Weseler at COSAR, Düsseldorf, Germany
21-25. 04. 2010 Art Cologne 2010 - presented by COSAR HMT Düsseldorf, Germany
04-07. 02. 2010 Art Rotterdam 2010 - presented by COSAR HMT Düsseldorf, Germany
19.03-07.05. 2010 'Travelling Without Moving' selected group show at gallery COSAR, Düsseldorf, Germany
9.17-10.10. 2009 'Cut and Paste' - selected group show at KG52 gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
04.04-10.05. 2009 Portraits pour Traits, Selected group show, Centre Cuturel HUY, Belgium
8.29-9.27. 2008 Human Condition at C. Emerson Fine Arts, FL, USA
5-6.7. 2008 ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS / SELECTION at Galerie in der Stadtscheune
in Otterndorf at the North Sea, Germany
4.4-26. 2008 'React' - C. Emerson Fine Arts, FL USA
4. 4/5/6 2008 'Anonymous Drawings N°8' blütenweiss hosted by Meinblau, Berlin, Germany
1-3. 2008 'LAU' exhibition for the project AAAAA at Anti y Garabat, Bibao, Spain
11-12. 2007 'être ensemble' Galerie.be Bruxelles, Belgium
11. 2007 Le concours « Extrapole » Galerie Extrapole Liège, Belgium
07-08. 2007 non-historical Fancy portraits - Musée 16, Portland, OR USA
2008 Public Art magazine Selected Artist 12, Seoul, Korea
1995 Korean Illust Association [Illust Awards] - exhibition in Seoul
2011 February [Cutting Edges] Contemporary Collage
Editors - R. Klanten, H. Hellige, J Gallagher, Gestalten
2011 January [Doppelganger] Images of the Human Being
Editors - R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, F. Schulz, Gestalten2010 Interviewed by [ dpi ] Taiwan art mgazine vol. 139 / Taiwan
2010 May-June Interview - magazine TALK, Belgium
2009 January Interview - Public Art magazine, South Korea,
all site content is copyright © 2007-2022 Eva Eun-Sil HAN. All Rights reserved.